
Stewards Issue Warning To Kiwi Trainer

Racing NSW stewards have issued New Zealand trainer Gary Hennessy with a warning after considering an explanation tendered in writing about a newspaper article about Ocean Park's scratching on race morning from the Australian Derby at Randwick on April 14.

The article appeared in the Waikato Times under the heading “Hennessey Suspects Foul Play to Blame”.

Hennessey advised stewards that he was contacted by reporter Aidan Rodley, the author of the article, and that whilst the reporter put to him that Ocean Park was "got at" he did not at any time agree with such a proposition.

Hennessey advised the stewards that Ocean Park suffered a "ricked off-fore fetlock" in his box on the night before the Derby which resulted in the colt's scratching from the Australian Derby.

Hennessey made the point that he had been well-treated and had no wish to place any slur on the persons who had accommodated his horse in Sydney.

Hennessy's explanation was accepted but he was reminded of his obligation to be cautious in respect to his dealing with such serious assertions so as his actions cannot be viewed as being complicit in the image of racing being unfairly and unnecessarily tarnished.

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