
Rest in peace Elvis ‘Ricky’ Thurgood

Racing is mourning the death of Elvis ‘Ricky’ Thurgood.

Picture: Racing and Sports

Former jockey Elvis 'Ricky' Thurgood has died peacefully in Melbourne's Alfred Hospital on Thursday night, aged 62. 

Thurgood suffered a catastrophic brain injury when Taras Regent suffered a fatal heart attack during the running of the 1980 Easter Cup at Caulfield. 

His parents, Noel and Doris, spent the past 41 years caring for their son after doctors did not expect Thurgood to live through the night following his fall. 

Born in Sri Lanka in 1958, Thurgood was 10 years old when his parents migrated to Australia with his parents and siblings Derek and Debbie. 

He attended Caulfield High was where his interest in becoming a jockey sparked, joining the nearby Angus Armanasco stable as an apprentice in 1976, amassing 58 winners before tragedy struck. 

Thurgood's injuries included a traumatic brain injury of the highest magnitude as well as extreme and multiple physical deficits that saw him require round-the-clock care for his every need.  

His death is a time of great sadness for the Thurgood family, but they have asked their sincere appreciation be conveyed to the thousands of people who over the past 41 years have played a part in Thurgood's unique life journey 

Victorian Jockeys' Association Executive Officer Matthew Hyland said Thurgood was a much-loved and valued member of the jockey group.  

"We recognise Ricky's successes as a jockey, we salute the unbelievable reserves of bravery and courage he called on over the past 41 years of a truly extraordinary life, and we pay every possible tribute to the unfailing dedication shown by his loving, kind and amazing parents, Noel and Doris, and to the love and support provided by his brother Derek and his sister Debbie," Hyland said. 

"I speak for all VJA members in especially recognising and thanking Lisa Stevens from the RV/VJA Jockey Assistance Program and my predecessor Des O'Keeffe for their unwavering support of Ricky and the Thurgood family. 

"Rest peacefully Ricky." 

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