

Briny Belle


Briny Belle is a thoroughbred horse born in New Zealand in 1990. Race horse Briny Belle is by Sound Reason (CAN) out of Briny Girl (NZ) , trained by M P Baker. Briny Belle form is available here. Owned by .

About the horse

Description 33yo B Mare
Trainer M P Baker
Total PM AUD $0
Career 3 Wins (30%) - 1 Place (40%) - 10 starts
Wins 1200m (2), 1400m (1)
Name BRINY MAID (1998)
WPS 0-0-6
Wet WPS 0-0-0
Distances 1350m - 2000m
Win Distances -
Total Prize (AUD $) $0
Group WPS Wet WPS Distances Win Distances Total Prize (AUD)
Non Black Type 0w-0p-6s - 1350m - 2000m - $0

Name TABASCO LAD (1997)
WPS 0-0-5
Wet WPS 0-0-0
Distances 1200m - 2100m
Win Distances -
Total Prize (AUD $) $0
Group WPS Wet WPS Distances Win Distances Total Prize (AUD)
Non Black Type 0w-0p-5s - 1200m - 2100m - $0

Name SIREN SONGS (1996)
WPS 4-3-12
Wet WPS 0-1-1
Distances 1100m - 2500m
Win Distances 1200m - 1737m
Total Prize (AUD $) $88,995
Group WPS Wet WPS Distances Win Distances Total Prize (AUD)
G1 0w-0p-1s - 1100m - 2500m 1200m - 1737m $4,000
G3 0w-0p-1s - 1800m - $0
LR 0w-1p-3s - 1100m - 2500m - $21,600
Non Black Type 4w-2p-7s 0w-1p-1s 1200m - 1737m 1200m - 1737m $63,395