

Cheers Rihanna

Cheers Rihanna is a thoroughbred horse born in Australia in 2009. Race horse Cheers Rihanna is by General Nediym (AUS) out of Calypso (USA) , trained by Stuart Gower. Cheers Rihanna form is available here. Owned by S P Gower, C A Reynolds, Mrs S Patterson, S C Ryder, Mrs T B Lloyd.


Sire General Nediym (AUS) 1994
Dam Calypso (USA)1999 [By Lost Code (USA) 1984]

About the horse

Foal Date 21 Aug 2009
Description 14yo CH Mare
Trainer Stuart Gower
Owner S P Gower, C A Reynolds, Mrs S Patterson, S C Ryder, Mrs T B Lloyd
Total PM AUD $11,475
Career 1 Win (6%) - 1 Place (12%) - 17 starts
Wins 1215m (1)

Sales Information

Name STRUCK BY (2017)
WPS 9-8-32
Wet WPS 2-2-9
Distances 1100m - 1600m
Win Distances 1200m - 1600m
Total Prize (AUD $) $416,515
Group WPS Wet WPS Distances Win Distances Total Prize (AUD)
G2 0w-0p-1s - 1100m - 1600m 1200m - 1600m $7,000
G3 0w-0p-1s - 1600m - $6,225
LR 2w-2p-7s 1w-0p-1s 1100m - 1600m 1200m - 1600m $154,440
Non Black Type 7w-6p-23s 1w-2p-8s 1100m - 1600m 1200m - 1530m $248,850

WPS 2-9-23
Wet WPS 0-3-5
Distances 1000m - 2600m
Win Distances 1380m - 2050m
Total Prize (AUD $) $101,850
Group WPS Wet WPS Distances Win Distances Total Prize (AUD)
G1 0w-0p-1s - 1000m - 2600m 1380m - 2050m $24,000
G3 0w-0p-2s 0w-0p-1s 1200m - 1400m - $2,950
LR 0w-0p-1s - 1800m - $4,000
Non Black Type 2w-9p-19s 0w-3p-4s 1000m - 2600m 1380m - 2050m $70,900