
Horse Form

Updated Jul, 22nd 2022 Racing & Sports

The Racing and Sports Database includes over 10 jurisdictions and over a million individual horses all at your fingertips. We also cover both Greyhound and Harness racing, with a few exciting additions to both databases as part of the new site.

The search facility on the homepage enables you to look up any thoroughbred, standard bred, greyhound, trainer, jockey, course, feature race, sire and any news you may have missed.

Each avenue provides all the latest up to date information, be it a horses' latest victory or a trainer's first group win.

Our unparalleled horse form covers many bases, information I'm sure you didn't even know we had.

The first tab, gives you a basic overview of the horse's form, while also providing any stewards reports, jockey notes, race reviews, the RQF (race quality factor) and replays available.

The detailed form provides a more in-depth view, including the KGR ratings, which is a measurement of a horse's performance in each respective race.

Once logged in you can also add your own comments to each performance.

Another key tool in horse form is our filters, this allows you to interrogate a horse's form under different circumstances and conditions.

Our advanced filters simply give you more options to do so.

The Profile Stats tab provides all the information you could ever want about a horse's career.

The Ratings Tab also provides very valuable information, here you can see how a horse's ratings alters during a preparation, while also how it differs over various distances.

The Pace Stats indicate where a horse has settled in run over various distances and how it has performed.

The Performance Radar is a visual representation of a horse's profile, helping to outline one's strength and perceived weaknesses.

The GRP/W tab lists all a horses Group performances, while Sibling Stats displays a horse's siblings, both who have raced or been registered.

The Head to Head tab allows you to compare any two or more horses and whether they have already met.

Like a majority of the site, the information available is a lot more extensive when you are logged in.

Racing and Sports

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